Welfare Information

Types of Childcare

There are many different kinds of childcare. Have a look at the information below which will help you decide the type that’s best for your family. Day Nurseries These provide care for children up to the age of 5; some offer care for babies. There are three types: Community Nurseries – these not-for-profit nurseries are run […]

Benefits and Tax Credits: working 16+ hours a week

There are various options available for financial help for single parents who work 16 hours or more a week. Below we’ve set out some useful information. Rent You may be able to claim housing benefit if you pay rent for the home you live in, including if you live in a shared property, and you […]

Universal Credit

  Universal Credit is a new benefit which is gradually being introduced to replace a range of other benefits. So far it has only been implemented in certain areas in the UK, and if you’re not living in one of these areas you can continue to claim your usual benefits until you’re notified about when the new […]

Income Support

  To qualify for Income Support you must be able to answer yes to ALL of the following questions. Are you: Between 16 years old and Pension Credit Qualifying age? Pregnant or a carer or a lone parent with a child under 5 years old or unable to work because you’re sick or disabled? On a low income or no income? (NB if […]